Over at the old Kindle factory, things have been chugging right along!
Today marks the release of Episodes 32 and 33 of ABSENT STARS on KindleVella and there's been a steady increase in readership, which is VERY exciting, slowly climbing up those Science Fiction and Horror charts!
If you told little Chris that a story he wrote would be one of the TOP FAVORITES in "Murder", he would have passed out from running around like an idiot. (be glad you missed this phase)
Get caught up or start reading today (FREE) by clicking the link ---> HERE!
There was a bit of a learning curve on utilizing the Kindle categories, but I think I've found a comfy spot now, and honestly, the new artwork (by the incredibly talented and kind Timothy Lantz) is really helping grab reader's attention - which is partly why I'm SO excited to share it here today!
I say it's a teaser, because it's not in its final form, which will be the cover for the paperback book, (with the title and author name), once the story is complete on KindleVella. ---I'll be sure and send more updates, but estimated release for the paperback is currently in November 2022!
Even better, the episodic KindleVella story won't be going anywhere when the Kindle and Paperback versions are available, so there will be plenty of ways to check it out, which is a great way for a writer (which I'm) to find new readers.
Aside from a few glitches when I got started, my experience has been good and I'm excited to continue to use this platform to tell stories. I think if I have one complaint, its that they tend to hide the LIKE button at the bottom of the chapter and so I've seen where a reader may come and read every chapter, but I get no likes and while, YES, the reads do factor in highly, liking and favoriting the story really help get new readers to see it. I'm hoping Amazon will change this soon.
QUICK SIDE NOTE - If you're enjoying ABSENT STARS - please please please leave a FIVE STAR review! It helps writers like me SO MUCH to break through Amazon's evil algorithm.
I have a couple of new things in the works now that I'm really anxious to talk about, but it'll have to wait, unfortunately. Loose lips sink ships!
So what do you think of the artwork? I think it's CREEPY and MYSTERIOUS and I'm really excited to see it on the cover of the physical book - on my shelf and in my hands! This week's chapters are some of my absolute favorites and I'm so excited to see what the response is like!
I'm also working on a new blog post regarding "FEAR OF FAILURE"! Basically my thoughts on how it helps, hurts and where it comes from. Be on the lookout in your inboxes for that soon!
Thanks, as always! Stay safe, stay tuned, and keep reading!
OOOOOOHHHH - I almost forgot! If you click this link ---> HERE! You can follow my Amazon Author's page - AND (don't ask me how I managed this technical wizardry) my new blog posts will show up there as well, not to mention that I've been posting some pics there too. Lots of fun new stuff is happening! Thanks!! ❤️❤️❤️