With Episode 18 releasing today (one of the longest in the story), we're rapidly closing in on the half way mark for ABSENT STARS, which is really exciting. Despite some functionality issues (for writers - not readers) it's been a great platform for me. Coming from comics, I think my writing style lends itself well to an episodic format and, once it's released, I'll be working on getting a paperback version together for readers overseas. (Kindlevella is currently US only)
This is honestly the most exciting time of my life. I'm on an extended writing retreat, exploring the mountains and rivers of the western US, while writing non-stop. I just finished my first novel - ABSENT STARS - and I have plans for many more, including Sci-fi, Horror, YA, and the continuation of "BLACK OF HEART" - the Drake Harper mysteries and LOTS of other fun surprises.
The idea of starting over with a completely new audience, (moving from comics to prose), hasn't been easy, but my luck in the comics industry seems to have run dry and rather than fighting it, I've decided to keep telling stories on my own terms.
These are the stories that I want to tell - that I'm excited to tell - and that's the freedom I think I've been after all along.
Finding ways to keep money flowing is a challenge, but I don't need much to sustain myself, so I'm trying to get creative.
By simply reading, liking, following and favoriting my work on KindleVella, you're literally putting money in my pocket. It's not enough to survive on but I can tell you, it's going toward my insulin, gas, food, etc.
Since it's a new service, Kindle is incentivizing new readers by giving away 200 FREE tokens, which is quite a lot of reading, and even though it's free, if you use those tokens to unlock my story episodes, I still get paid. (I APPRECIATE THIS VERY MUCH - BELIEVE ME)
A few clicks on your end helps me eat every day.
In order to establish a readership, I'm leaning into this pretty hard. The great thing about KindleVella is that I'll be able to publish via paperback and e-book to add ways to read without worrying about having to remove the stories from Vella. It just provides more ways for readers to find my work. If you like to read in chunks here and there while you're waiting at the doctors office, or on your lunch break, Vella is there with new chapters every week. If you like a physical book in your hands, I'll have you covered, and if your Kindle (or Kindle app on your phone) is where you keep your library, I'll have my work there too.
It makes a lot of sense for me as an author, and feels like a great fit. I started adding Author's Notes at the end of the chapters, which I was a littler nervous about at first, but hopefully it's a fun insight into the characters or the inspiration behind a specific scene or detail.
I do have some other stories I've written coming out (hopefully) later this year and if you haven't already, please pick up a copy of my book of poems and short stories, "A LIT WICK", which has a ton of great reviews on Amazon and the Kindle edition is currently on a BIG SALE, so don't miss a chance to pick it up cheap (or FREE with Kindle Unlimited)! ❤️- CLICK HERE!

Some have been asking about signed copies and I'm sorry I haven't taken the time yet to set that up on the site, but SOON, I promise!
That's all for now! Thank you, as always for reading, liking and sharing my work!